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A Novel translated from the Spanish.
Original title: LOS NOMBRES DEL AIRE.

Published by City Ligths, in San Francisco
Translated by Mark Shafer

Sandra K.Boujema, from Morroco:

When I went into the pages of Mogador I discovered a new way of understanding my senses and my desires. As important as learning how to read,through the lenses of a poetic an sensous adventure. Telling thestory of Fatma, in the imaginary and walled city of Mogador, this book opens a question about women's desire that only each one of us,women readers, can answer. This is a masterpiece of subtility, a book to share with the dearest persons, a tale to read and read again. I found a sequel of Mogador in other languages. It's title in spanish is Los nombres del aire. The sequel's title is En los labios del agua. Both books exists in french. Les visages de l'air and Les levres de l'eau. An amazing experience for the senses more than a text to read.